Float Resources
Using float will decrease or increase the elapsed time of the operation.
Refer to the table below for an explanation of all settings on the Scheduling & Routing Rules > Default Tab

Scheduling & Routing Rules Default Settings
Float Resources
By default, LYNQ consumes the number of resources defined in the operation parameters. By using float, LYNQ can consume variable quantity of resources.
- Off = Resources defined in the operation will be consumed
- On = Resources are consumed based on the number of resources defined against the work unit. Resources will only be consumed up to the Float Consumption Max value
- Specific = The Max Consumption rates values will apply to all work units
The default settings can be amended from the Schedule Tab, prior to scheduling.
Consumption Rate
Used by Float Specific
Split Tasks
This setting allows Visual APS to utilise any free space in the schedule even if it means that the operation/job will be started and stopped before completion. For example, imagine that a shift is from 8:00 to 12:00 and an operation is scheduled from 9:00 to 11:00. If a 2 hour operation is scheduled with split tasks enabled, the operation will be split to start from 8:00 to 9:00 for 1 hour and then from 11:00 to 12:00 for 1 hour, when dragged to start at 8:00 on the schedule board.
Split Task Consumption (Min)
The minimum amount of time an operation can be split for. The Split Task Consumption (Min) value specified in (HH:MM) is configured against the work unit. If less time is available, the task cannot be scheduled during that time slot. This is used to prevent situations where operations are scheduled for a short period of time before it needs to be stopped for another operation to start.
Split Task Interruption (Max)
The maximum amount of time an operation can be interrupted for. The Split Task Interruption (Max) value specified in (HH:MM) is configured against the work unit.. If more time than this amount is required to interrupt the task (for other tasks), the task cannot be scheduled during that time slot.