
Lots of errors?
Dealing with a high volume of posting issues is not good use of your time.  You may want to review your processes to ensure that users are using the workbench correctly.  Some validation is performed only on posting to Enterprise Resource Planning and good discipline is required. 

There may be occasions where a transaction generated by LYNQ fails to post to Enterprise Resource Planning.  Transactions that cannot post due to an error should be corrected and re-approved for posting.  Transactions that cannot post to Enterprise Resource Planning can be viewed from the Errors tab in the Tranaction Screen. The transaction will have a status of posting error.

Double click on the transaction to view the details

In the example above the transaction cannot post due to an incorrect scrap reason code.  To correct the transaction, the scrap reason code can be edited by clicking on [...] to the right of the scrap field and then the transaction can be set to Retry.   Selecting retry from the transaction edit screen will change the status of the transaction to Pending Posting.  The next time LYNQ api executes the integration, the transaction will be posted.


Transactions that cannot be posted from LYNQ can be set to Accepted.  This means that any corrections will need to be made manually in Enterprise Resource Planning.

In previous versions of LYNQ the labour value was the only field that could be edited in the Transaction Review Screen.  This made the correction of data errors long winded to resolve with the user having to copy, delete and then edit the copied transaction.

Now when editing Transactions, it’s possible to edit:

  1. Transaction Date
  2. Employee Code
  3. Membership Code
  4. Task Code
  5. Labour Hrs
  6. Classification Value

For a full list of errors please logon to the support portal and search based on your error code

