
If you try to import equipment in LYNQ without first importing the equipment in Visual APS, the equipment will not be available for import.

Local equipment
You can manually create equipment records in either Visual APS or LYNQ. The steps are the same as creating a local employee record

When an equipment record is active the equipment can be used for OEE purposes. Additional functionality in the workbench will be turned on. Equipment transactions are generated for active equipment and you have the ability to record downtime activity to support OEE and TEEP calculations

Equipment must first be imported in Visual APS and then imported into LYNQ.. LYNQ maintains a relationship of equipment records between both applications. An equipment record will be created based on where the equipment belongs to. If the equipment is reorganised in your Enterprise Resource Planning application, the equipment record should be deleted and re-imported in Visual APS and LYNQ.  If you try to import equipment in LYNQ without first importing the equipment in Visual APS, the equipment will not be available for import.

How to import equipment from your Enterprise Resource Planning application into Visual APS

  1. Refresh Visual APS
  2. Click on Home
  3. Click on Import
  4. Set the Resource type to Machine – Machine Hours
  5. Select the correct shift for the machine
  6. Click on OK
  7. Select the correct equipment
  8. Click on OK

Importing equipment from Visual APS into LYNQ

  1. From the Planning Menu, select Seat Maintenance
  2. Select Seats
  3. Select Import
  4. Select Import Equipment
  5. Select the required resource
  6. Select OK
  7. Double click on the new equipment record to edit properties
  8. In the group section, assign the user to the correct group
  9. Click Active
  10. Click Save

Functional Area: Resource Management

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