
Forget to clock out?
If you are forever adjusting employee hours because they have forgotten to clock out, you can automatically setup a schedule to clock out the employee.  You can clock out individual employees or a group of employees.  You can also do this for break times too or in fact any other type of diversion.  Refer to the Advanced User Guide for further information.


There may be times where inaccurate labour time is recorded.  This may be due to the employee forgetting to stop a task or perform the end day function.  Adjusting time must be completed from the Management Reports screen for office time and labour time.

To adjust Clock In/Out Time

  1. Click Management Reports
  2. Click on the Adjustments Tab
  3. Select the relevant employee
  4. Select the relevant day
  5. Click Edit under the date from the left window pane
  6. Set the correct Clock In and Clock Out date/time
  7. Click OK

To adjust the task hours

  1. From the same adjustment screen
  2. Click Show Transaction List from the right window pane
  3. Locate the inaccurate transaction(s)
  4. Double click on the transaction
  5. Enter the correct duration in the Labour (Hrs) field
  6. Click Save
  7. Select the transaction you have edited
  8. Click Approve


Functional Area: Execution Management