
It’s possible to create
3 different types of
resource; users,
employees and

You will see a message
‘no seat assigned’ if
you do not activate
your seats. 

Not enough seats
Users and employees
can be linked so they
do not consume
two seats. This will
help to reserve seats
for other users. If you
need more seats
contact the service






To access LYNQ a user seat must be created for the user.  Users are associated to active directory accounts.  Application security rights are related to the group the user is a member of. 

If the user requires access to the workbench and/or timesheet functions and/or you want to collect OLE data for the user, you must create an associated employee seat.  Equipment seats can be created in situations where equipment is linked to a workbench and OEE is required.

How to create a new seat in LYNQ for a user

  1. Select Seat Maintenance
  2. Click Seats
  3. Click New
  4. Click New User
  5. In the Login field enter the user account name (<Username> from the Domain)
  6. Click Find
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Close
  9. Double click on the new employee to edit the properties
  10. In the group section, assign the user to the correct group
  11. Click Active
  12. Click Save


Functional Area: Resource Management

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