
Capable to Promise Dates
What-if orders provide an ability to calculate capable to promise dates

The What-if order feature allows you to create an order that is not saved within Enterprise Resource Planning so that you can estimate a production unit's capacity without affecting any of the Enterprise Resource Planning data. Once created the what-if order can also be scheduled, it may be determined that a live manufacturing job order should be created. The what-if order can then be unscheduled and remain on the task panel or it can be deleted. 

To create a What-If order:

  1. Click on the Schedule Menu
  2. Click on Add What If
  3. Select product number, Routing code, Location, Quantity and Date
  4. In description 1 and 2 reference for instance customer name and quote number
  5. Select OK

Once the What-If order has been created it will appear in the What-If Jobs tab under the Task Panel.  The material indicator will show the availability of the components for the What-If order.  Double click the indicator to review the earliest date when the material will be available.  With this date known you can now schedule the what-if order on that date.

To schedule a What-If order:

  1. Open the What If tab under the task panel
  2. Select the What If Job
  3. Drag and drop the What-if order onto the schedule board 

With the What-If order scheduled, with materials and available capacity checked, you can now relay the expected delivery date to the customer.


Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling

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