
Valid Operations
To change the colour of the valid for scheduling indicator from red to green you must update the job order in Enterprise Resource Planning and refresh the Visual APS data.

Drag and Drop
Visual APS takes you automatically to the first work unit to be scheduled when dragging the job order onto the schedule board.

Not Scheduling
If you find you are unable to schedule a large batch of job orders entirely, it’s likely your planning interval has insufficient capacity.  Either increase your planning interval, reduce the number of job orders to schedule or increase the number of resources.

Before operations can be manually or automatically scheduled, they must be recognised by Visual APS as being valid for scheduling.  The valid for scheduling indicator must be green for Visual APS to schedule it.  The indicator is displayed on the task panel at the job order level and at the operation level.

You will notice that the valid for scheduling indicator will have mainly 3 different colour codes.  Each colour represents a different meaning:

  1. Green meaning the operation has time to be scheduled
  2. Yellow meaning the operation has already been completed by qty or status
  3. Red meaning Visual APS doesn’t know what resources must be scheduled

The routing will define the number of resources required.  When scheduling you must have sufficient resources available.  You will be able to see this on the resource availability bar in the schedule board for a given resource.  You can quickly edit the number of resources by right clicking and selecting edit on the resource in the schedule board.

To manually schedule, the planner is able to simply drag and drop either the job order or individual operations onto the desired slot on the schedule board. This is particularly useful when a job order is required to run on a specific day or time.

To schedule job orders using drag and drop

  1. Click on the Schedule Menu
  2. Click on Schedule Around and check left and right
  3. Click either forward or backward scheduling
  4. Select a job order from the task panel
  5. Right click and select load required work unit
  6. Click and hold the selected job order
  7. Drag it down to correct time on the schedule board

Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling
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