
Adminstrator Rights
To apply a hotfix to LYNQ you must be logged into the server with administrator rights.  The user must have sufficient rights to alter SQL tables, views etc.  A user with SysAdmin or DB_Owner roles is required.


Hotfixes enable you to fix problems in your installation of LYNQ.  Some hotfixes may contain early releases of minor software improvements as well as bug fixes. The server where LYNQ is installed must have access to the internet, to apply a hotfix.  Hotfixes are applied by running the Product Updater.


These instructions only apply when you are updating LYNQ with a build in the same release.  (i.e. you already have LYNQ 2020 installed and you are applying a hotfix for LYNQ 2020 or you have LYNQ 2019 installed and you are applying a LYNQ 2019 hotfix).  You should refer to the upgrade instructions from the Support > Downloads menu if the upgrade is from an earlier release of LYNQ.  Click here for version naming convention information.

The recommended process for installing a hotfix is as follows:

  1. Review the latest updates documentation to ensure you are aware of all changes included.  Refer to the What's New link on the Product Menu.
  2. Apply the hotfix to a sandbox or test environment, if available
  3. Test that the hotfixed sandbox or test environment fixes the problems you are trying to address
  4. Apply the hotfix to the Production environment

To apply a hotfix:

  1. Ensure all users are clocked out of the workbench (recommended)
  2. Download the latest version of the Product Updater
  3. Logon to the server where the LYNQ websites are installed
  4. Run the Product Updater by right clicking on the file and then by selecting Run as Administrator
  5. Enter your License Name and scroll down to the bottom of the License Agreement to accept the terms and conditions
  6. Select Next to continue

The Product Updater displays the software that you are licensed for and will detect the last installed versions of the software.  If you have multiple instances installed you must change the folder path before upgrading.  

How to hotfix each LYNQ component:

  1. Select Update from the product tile which shows the LYNQ component (i.e. Visual APS, MOM or API)
  2. Select the version to install (recommended to install the latest available version)
  3. Select OK
  4. Once the update is complete, launch the application to complete the upgrade process
  5. If requested to update the version, select Yes

NOTE:  If you have a customised installation of LYNQ, the product updater will ask you to accept that any customisations will need to be re-applied after the upgrade.  Not every upgrade will overwrite customisations.  It will depend if any SQL views have been updated by applying the upgrade and which SQL views you have customised.  You can check which customisations you have by contacting the support team.