
Saving settings
Your preference for schedule around and auto shift settings can be saved in settings. 

The production plan can be easily adjusted if a new urgent job order needs to be scheduled.

To schedule an urgent job order:

  1. Open Visual APS
  2. Click on refresh data from database to bring the urgent order into the task panel
  3. Right click on the job order 
  4. Set the Marker to Urgent (if markers are in use)
  5. Right click and select load required work units

If the required work units are already busy, you will need to slot this job order in and push all other job orders out.  To do this Autoshift is used. This will allow you to drag and drop the urgent job order onto the schedule board and "shift" other job orders to the right.  Selecting schedule around allows you to schedule all the operations for the job order in one go.  

  1. Select the Schedule Menu
  2. Select Autoshift (Shift)
  3. Drag and drop the job order onto the schedule board
  4. Once scheduled, highlight the job order in the schedule board, by double clicking
  5. Note that all other job orders have been automatically shifted to accommodate the urgent order. The status indicator for all job orders that have shifted will change yellow.  Meaning they need to be saved and published for the changes to be updated.
  6. Select Save and Publish




Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling