
Issues from Alerts
Check out the Advanced User Guide to learn how alerts can be used to configure powerful alerts across your factory.

When new production issues are raised by manufacturing employees, issues can be assigned to any user that has been created as a full application User.  Typically, issues would be assigned to the manufacturing employees supervisor or line manager.  Once an issue has been created, the production issues icon for the assigned application user will change to orange.  The assigned application user can either resolve the issue or assign the issue to another user.

To assign an issue to a user

  1. From LYNQ mom home page click on Issue Log
  2. Select the issue
  3. Click Assign
  4. Select the user the issue will be assigned to

To resolve an issue

  1. From LYNQ mom home page click on Issue Log
  2. Select the issue
  3. Click Resolve
  4. The issue will now appear as resolved