
Planned Utilisation
Also known as loading, considers the proportion of calendar time that has been scheduled for production (run time). You can set whether the scheduled hours includes or excludes setup, teardown and processing time. By default, these times are considered as downtime.

Planned Order Fulfilment
Tells you whether the job orders that are due to start have been scheduled to start. Based on the principle that if a job has not been scheduled to start then it is unlikely to be fulfilled

There are various references to key performance indicators in dispatching. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it… to increase your productivity and lower production costs you can benchmark your performance and start to minimize loss within your manufacturing process.

Planned Utilisation


Scheduled Hours / Calendar Hours


It is measured as a percentage (%). The higher the percentage the better.


Dashboard shows the planned equipment utilisation for the selected equipment within the selected date range. Equipment Plan shows the planned equipment utilisation for each piece of equipment. Each card can be drilled into for further detail.

Planned Order

Planned Order Fulfillment



Number of jobs ordersscheduled / Number of job orders planned


It is measured as a percentage (%). The higher the percentage the better.


Dashboard shows the planned order fulfilment for a specific date range.


Functional Area: Dispatching

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