Top Tips
See our Troubleshooting section for more helpful solutions to common problems. | Problem:
Transactions are in Pending Posting State / LYNQ api has stopped executing scheduled integration as seen in the Get Log Report
- Under some conditions when the LYNQ api application pools recycle, it breaks the connection to MOM and after this the execution stops working. It's evident that this has happened if you check the Event Log (System) for source WAS. You will see an event in relation to the application pool recycle and the time the event was logged usually coincides with the last execution date/time as seen in the Get Log report.
- Another reason why the integration may stop executing - The application pool has a Rapid Fail Protection Setting and by default this setting is enabled and based on the default settings the Application Pool will crash and not restart automatically if it experiences 5 failures in 5 minutes.
- Turn off application pool recycling. NOTE: to turn off the application pool recycling, you must unselect all recycling conditions for both lynqapi and application pools. The application pool may still recycle based on Idle Timeout and another setting controls this. Set Idle Time-out (minutes) to 0.
Application Pool > Recycling Settings
Application Pool > Advanced Settings
- Disable the Rapid Fail Protection Setting completely. To do this, stay in the Advanced Settings tab - scroll down to Rapid-Fail Protection. Next to Enabled - Select False.