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We need to provide the ability for the Operator to select what Workcenter Rate should be used for a particular transaction. 

Product Configuration
  1. New set of Classification Codes should be added. Classification Type: WC Rate; For Example Classification Values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
  2. Default Task Selection function within 'Add Task (Large)' OSE, should be edited and facility to specify Classification was enabled for classification type 'WC Rate'
  3. Operators are now able to specify desired Workcenter Rate through selection of Classification value when starting new task. If default Workcenter Rate should be in use, Classification should be either left black or set to default.


Integration Activity View customization

'WC Rate Indicator' field of Lynq_ME_IntegrationActivityView should be modified to:

  1. - If Transaction classification code equals values 1 to 9, classification code is used as Workcenter Rate Indicator
  2. - If Transaction classification code does not equal value 1 to 9 standard logic to define Workcenter Rate is applied





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