

Top Tips

See our webhooks guide for further information.


We store documents on a dedicated file server where the document name corresponds to a stock code name maintained in ERP. Can we make these accessible to employees within the workbench?

Note: It is assumed that all documents are of jpeg (or other common formats) single file type. It is also assumed that only a single document is stored against a particular stock code.


Use the following steps to configure webhooks for this scenario:

First we need to create website application mapped to file server folder location in Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:

  1. Open IIS
  2. Right Click on Default web site
  3. Select Add Application

  1. Give the website a suitable name & map the physical path to the folder location


  1. Select OK

To generate the URI in MOM we use a process to convert a query string to the URI.

This is then set up as a Webhook:

The common query parameters can be declared within the webhook URL with additional parameters being applied dynamically (See example below):

  1. Select Settings > Advanced Settings
  2. Enter a name & description
  3. Select preferred behaviour (Overlay window is recommended in most cases) 
  4. Populate URL - You can test this using the 'open' function
  5. Add additional dynamic parameters such as stock code
  6. select save

Once the webhook is configured, it can be added to MOM for access by users/workbench users as appropriate.

In this example it has been activated on the Employees Workbench:


  1. Select Settings > Advanced Settings
  2. Select Workbench>Elements
  3. Navigate to the Workbench (Employee) element
  4. Select and click on EDIT
  5. Select Settings on the Scheduled Tasks function
  6. Under Controls, select the Show webhook button option, then click on the ellipses to map the configured webhook and declare the correct parameter:

  1.  Select OK
  2.  Select Save
  3. Select Save

When the workbench user clocks in and selects a job, the DMS Webhook button can be pressed, and providing there is a document in the File location with the same name as the stock code, the document will be displayed in the browser.

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