
Factory Automation
Requests made to LYNQ via REST API can be seen in the Factory Automation Signal Screen.  Refer to the Factory Automation Guide from the Guides and Whitepapers menu link in the LYNQ Support Portal for further information. This menu will only appear for registered users.


LYNQ exposes aspects of the application via REST API.  REST API  allows companies to interact with LYNQ from anything that can send an HTTP request.  REST API can be used for automated data collection purposes.

URL Format:

  • api/rest/automation/process/{SignalType}?reporter={pValue0}&value={pValue1}&state={pValue1}&swap={pValue2}&serial={pValue3

  • api/rest/automation/process/gq?reporter=ReporterCode&value=5.55&state=StateCode&swap=true&serial=SerialLotNumber&bin