
Export to Excel
The chart can be exported
to Microsoft Excel for
further analysis.

The best report to review capacity in Visual APS is the Capacity Chart.  

To run the Capacity Chart:

  1. Open Visual APS
  2. Select the Reports Menu
  3. Select Capacity Chart
  4. Select the required work centres/work units from the factory explorer
  5. Choose a date range (i.e for short term capacity select the next 4 weeks)
  6. Change Spit By Due Date Drop Down to 'Weekly

You will now be presented with a visual representation of the loading for each week.  To view for each work unit, select capacity by work unit

 To export the Capacity Chart: 

  1. Select Export to Excel button
  2. Save and Open the export in Excel

 Remember that Visual APS is a finite capacity planning application. 

 Level loading has automatically occurred and none of the work units are over loaded as a result.


Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling