
Save & Publish
Depending on the Enterprise Resource Planning application in use, Visual APS will either update the scheduled dates on the job order directly or by using LYNQ api.  The integration settings can be checked from the home, settings menu.

The thumbs up image in the scheduled column will turn yellow when you manually or auto schedule a job order.  If the scheduled column does not display the thumb icon, the job order has either only scheduled partial operations or scheduling was not successful. When all operations are scheduled and the scheduled column is yellow the order is virtually scheduled. At this point Enterprise Resource Planning and data collection will be unaware of the scheduled dates.  You can at this point make any changes before committing the schedule back to Enterprise Resource Planning.


To dispatch the orders for data collection, the save and publish function must be used.


To save and publish:

  1. Select Save and Publish from the Quick Access Toolbar or
  2. Use CTRL + S or
  3. Select the Review Menu
  4. Select Save and Publish

Once published, the thumbs up image in the scheduled column will turn green.

To undo or redo changes to the plan

  1. Select the Review Menu
  2. Select Undo or Redo

Periodically changes will be made to the plan and you will need to refresh the data in APS to obtain the latest version of the plan.  Refresh the plan when:

  1. Other users are scheduling jobs and operations
  2. When data collection is being performed in LYNQ
  3. When job requirements are changed in Enterprise Resource Planning
  4. When the stock position in Enterprise Resource Planning is updated
  5. When resources are added to Enterprise Resource Planning such as equipment records

To refresh the plan

  1. Select the Review Menu
  2. Select Refresh



Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling
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