
Zoom in and out
Use the + & - icons on the top left-hand corner of the schedule board to zoom in and out or alternatively access the zoom in and out functions from the Review menu. You can also supports zooming in intervals of Minute, Hour, Day and Week.

Changing Colours
You can customise the colours of different types of orders and tasks. Click on Company Settings and on Designer Settings to change the colours to suit your preferences.

You can change the way orders are viewed on the scheduling board. The labels function provides the ability to view orders broken down by set up, run and processing times within the operation. This is particularly useful when minimising changeovers

Hide Completed
Select the Hide Completed Operations setting in Company Settings, Scheduling Routing Rules, Routing to stop a completed operation from appearing and consuming resources on the scheduling board.


The schedule board is arranged into three horizontal sections.  Immediately below the date and time lines you will see:

  • Resource capacity
  • Resource availability
  • Task sequence in blocks of time

Resource capacity

The top line indicates the resource capacity defined by shifts. It displays the resource scheduled hours in coloured blocks for working / non-working or other activities.  In the example above the blue area indicates working the blocks on the timeline that represents working time.

Resource Availability

The middle line presents resource availability at any point of time.  This information can be presented in %, quantity or coloured equaliser modes.  These options are represented by the following icons and views can be amended by selecting the corresponding image.  This option changes the representation only for resources with the enabled resource mode.

Task sequence in blocks of time

The bottom line displays scheduled tasks in blocks on a line in the sequence they are scheduled. The tasks cover the time required for that item to be produced. The time consumption is calculated according to the route parameters of the resource (i.e., item units per hour, number of workers, calendar rules, etc.).

Functional Area: Detailed Scheduling

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